Want to come on a short walk with me?
It’ll be fresh, bold, colorful, meaningful and full of surprises.
How can you resist?
We’ll walk down the DDCC Studio hallway, where our new mural by DOHS (Brenden Dohs) reveals artistically what our Studio is all about.
DOHS painted every evening for a month after his long workdays in Glendale to create this beautiful and fanciful piece. He sat with our team first to hear our “whys” and our “hows” and our passion for what we do. Then, he turned them all into a multi-layered, multi-media masterpiece that really does bring our Studio to life.
Perhaps this short video-walk will inspire you to come to our offices to view our mural in person. We’ll provide lunch and you’ll provide the “oohs” and the “aahs”. Come one, come all, come on in.
DOHS’ mixed media urban works have appeared in art shows throughout Southern California, and his commissioned pieces hang in homes across the U.S. This mural will likely be the first of many for him; as companies (maybe yours?) look to display their cultures in fresh, innovative ways; and Brenden Dohs is clearly the man to make that happen.
Be sure to follow him on Instagram @dohstheartist, check out his website and give a shout out to how much you like his entre’ into the corporate forum.
Oh, and yes, he’s my son!
Click on the image to enlarge.
DDCC Studio Mural (32′ x 8′)
Check out Brenden Dohs Online: