“the Woman Behind
the Presidents”
Behind well-spoken presidents of companies worldwide stands Ruth Drizen-Dohs, personal speech coach extraordinaire.
Whether at the podium, in the auditorium or in the boardroom, every C-level executive ups his or her game
when Ms. Drizen-Dohs makes her mark.
With uncanny instincts and a bold personal approach unique to each client, Drizen-Dohs transforms your presentations from mediocre to extraordinary; polished to exceptional…for presentations in both small and large forums.
Ms. Drizen-Dohs’ selective clientele over the past decade include C-level executives from these industries: automotive, apparel, real estate, technology, finance, entertainment, healthcare, sports, non-profit, retail, education and more.
Speech writing, punch-up, staging,
movement, choreography, multimedia visuals and more

Get to know
“The Woman Behind the Presidents”
and what makes her so special

Ms. Drizen-Dohs helps clients
project these attributes in their presentations.
Ruth is the founder and CEO of DDCC, Inc.
Imagine…an entire communications department in the room next door…researchers, writers, proofreaders, editors, designers, content specialists and printers. That’s DDCC…just off-site.
Please visit DDCC’s website to learn how we can help with all of your presentations, PowerPoints, collateral, invitations, event landing pages, newsletters and more…