Lovin’ What I Do With All of You
How do you know you love what you do?
Travel to Australia on the best trip of your life…and see if you find yourself brainstorming ideas for client projects and company improvements.
There I was, watching sunsets, marveling at sunrises, floating in infinity pools, ferrying out to the Great Barrier Reef and drinking umbrella drinks as dusk came over the beach. The word “relaxed” seemed like an understatement. It was more like pure “pinch myself” bliss.
And there, in the contentment of it all, in my most peaceful moments, came the ideas—a virtual free-for-all of unhinged, fresh, creative thoughts about slogans, designs, speech coaching, copy leads, marketing brainstorms, newsletter stories, team inspiration, e-blast campaigns, social media and well, this blog.
Holy moly, I thought, this is what it feels like to know—absolute proof positive—that you love what you do. Here I was—thousands and thousands of miles away from the best editorial, design, print and web team on the planet back at DDCC—and I couldn’t wait to tell them about my great ideas.
It was exhilarating and humbling all at once. How did I become so fortunate to have the combo of the most amazing trip away, the natural flow of business ideas pouring in and the knowledge that the very talented and spirited DDCC team was practicing excellence even as those thoughts arrived? I was enjoying every single second with my most amazing sons on the most joyful trip; creating memories from the adventures I was experiencing each and every day—and who I did it with. And the thought of bringing all those creative ideas back to the DDCC team I missed in our Los Angeles studio still tickled me pink.
It didn’t seem possible to exceed the feeling of gratitude I had being where I was, doing what I was doing, feeling healthy and alive with the loves of my life…and yet…there it was; a whole new dimension of thank yous to still offer up.
So lest I let one more day pass without thanking you, our most amazing clients, for allowing me, and our entire DDCC team, to do what we truly love each and every day; please let this blog suffice for now. I promise we will strive to show you with every process, every project and every phone call, just how grateful we are for the opportunity you have awarded us. And we don’t need to be in Australia to know just how lucky we are.